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Best Lawyer in Bangladesh

Barrister Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil is the Best lawyer in Bangladesh. He is distinguished legal professional with a wealth of experience and expertise in the legal field. He is one of the best lawyer in Bangladesh who holds the esteemed position of Advocate of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and is also recognized as a Barrister of the Honorable Society of the Middle Temple Inn, United Kingdom. With an impressive career trajectory, Mr. Khalil has demonstrated his prowess in both corporate and litigation law, establishing himself as a formidable force in the legal arena. He has plenty of knowledge, expertise, lawyers, consultants and logistics to undertake any legal, paralegal or associated service. He experts in any litigation i.e. cases before any court of law be that Bangladesh Supreme Court, Judges Court, Labor Court, Magistrates Courts etc. Practice areas incorporate Litigation, banking & finance, HR & Employment issues, Divorce and family law issues, Child custody and Adoption, Company matters, Admiralty and so on.

The area of expertise of our firm is that we constantly try to find out what is the desired outcome of the clients from the services we are rendering to them by the best advocate in Bangladesh, and we plan our course of action to meet the desired goal of the client and thus we and our client walk in the same path and try together to reach the common goal.

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We are the best lawyer in Bangladesh. Our philosophy is to offer our clients great, price-introduced, and comprehensive felony services. We try for objectivity, flexibility, responsiveness, and industrial realism in advising and meeting customers’ desires at least a feasible time. Our attorneys are devoted and attuned to expertise every one of our customers’ business, enterprise, and personal objectives.

Our skilled Lawyer Team in Dhaka apprehends that the desires of the customers’ cannot constantly be met entirely with the aid of traditional prison responses; alternatively, they require modern and responsive answers, which enhance the customers’ enterprise in addition to their criminal targets.

We are The Best Law Firm in Bangladesh having unique location emphasis on teamwork in supplying an integrated approach to deal with the legal and business problems of clients. Legal professionals from specialized practice regions paintings in near session with every other to ensure that the whole variety of the company’s expertise and inter-disciplinary abilities are furnished to customers.

It is our aim to render spark off, efficient, cordial, and dependable professional offerings to our clients and correspondents and to be without problems reachable to them. We are supported by Best Lawyer in Bangladesh with having confident and equipped attorneys and another workforce, most of who’s been with us for many years.

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Best Law Firm in Dhaka

www.barristermikhalil.com is a lawyer Firm in Dhaka. Our workplaces are well prepared and equipped with the most modern-day reference gear and our growing full-size library resources with several law books and many Gazettes, regulation reports, law Magazines, Supplementary materials, and many others., and all this enable us to adopt in-residence research and evaluate topics thoroughly.

We attempt to be leaders and render one-breakthrough services in our area. As a Best Law Firm in Dhaka practices constructive care and handles difficulty for our customers, on sound workplace structures, and on adherence to proven office methods and professional ethics. We keep and hold a big and sophisticated database of all previously done assignments which enables us to analyze and study new matters thoroughly at the least possible time in a value-powerful way.

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    • Barrister-at-Law and Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh
    • Barrister-at-Law, The Honorable Society of Middle Temple, London, United Kingdom
    • BPTC (PgDL), BPP University, London, United Kingdom
    • LL.B. (Hons.), BPP University, London, United Kingdom

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We are the best lawyer in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We solved many cases locally.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Litigation” description=”Although no one wants to get into any case or litigation be that Criminal or Civil by naturally but Litigation is the real fact of life for millions of people in Bangladesh.”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Divorce” description=”Barrister-at-Law and Barrister Muhammad Ibrahim Khalil is a prior choice for you if you are facing any family disputes and looking for the most excellent divorce lawyer in Bangladesh.”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Criminal Litigation” description=”No one wants to face any case or litigation be that Criminal or Civil literally but Litigations is the existent fact of life for millions of citizens in Bangladesh.”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Banking & Finance” description=”Banking and Finance is a very significant sector in the economy of a country and at present in Bangladesh. There are many banks and financial institutions.”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Business Law” description=”Business law is a broad area of law. It covers many different types of laws and many different topics. This lesson explains generally what business law is and how it’s used.”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][cms_mediabox cms_template=”cms_mediabox.php” title=”Family Law” description=”Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce, and child custody, among others.”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1606999474190{background-color: #f4f4f4 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Our Expertise” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center”][vc_separator color=”peacoc” style=”shadow” border_width=”4″ el_width=”30″][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text css_animation=”bounceIn”]

Foreign Direct Funding

Legal professionals at Barrister-at-law are skilled with Foreign Direct Investments as they often propose clients on criminal structuring, Tax Structuring & avoidance of double taxation, enterprise & department office registration, Joint venture Agreements, local associate & enterprise due diligence, forensic investigations, bank account support, FDI Reporting, Shareholders’ mortgage, earnings Repatriation, Brach workplace Closure, FDI reporting, completing, TSA/ MSA/Franchisee/Royalty, and so forth.

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Enterprise Licenses

Barrister-at-Law’s group of Barrister in Dhaka has been recommended to offer assistance when it comes to securing numerous business licenses for the clients inclusive of enterprise Registration, ETIN, VAT Registration, change License, BIDA Registration, paintings permits, foreign mortgage Approvals, IRC & ERC, VAT Registration, Trademark & Patent Registration, Explosive License, Society Registration, manufacturing facility Registration, making plans permits, fireplace License, Boiler Registration, BSTI Registration,  Environmental Clearance GSP, BOND Licenses, and many others.

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Local firm with a worldwide reach

Barrister-at-law is part of IR Global, which has a footprint in 108+ Jurisdictions, and hence customers can use our service for multi-jurisdictional disputes, foreign litigations & overseas jurisdiction advisory offerings. Further, foreign clients also can interact with us through a member company of their respective jurisdiction for better responsibility and directly get the right of entry.

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One-prevent answers

Barrister-at-law is the Best Law Firm in Dhaka even though its partner corporations offer a spread of services along with tax and vat accounting, annual tax go back submission, RJSC related submissions, payroll management, virtual workplace assist, employee sourcing, bank account opening & control, secretarial guide, assets acquisitions, travel help, translation services, notarization support, immigration, work permit & visa support, etc.

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Enterprise Licenses

Barrister-at-Law’s group has been recommended to offer assistance when it comes to securing numerous business licenses for the clients inclusive of enterprise Registration, ETIN, VAT Registration, change License, BIDA Registration, paintings permits, foreign mortgage Approvals, IRC & ERC, VAT Registration, Trademark & Patent Registration, Explosive License, Society Registration, manufacturing facility Registration, making plans permits, fireplace License, Boiler Registration, BSTI Registration,  Environmental Clearance GSP, BOND Licenses, and many others.

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Industrial & company subjects

Counsels of Barrister-at-law are experienced in an expansion of commercial matters which include settlement negotiation and drafting, infrastructure assignment documentation, smooth document vetting, belongings documentation,  international trade advisory offerings, finance and baking documentations, mortgage restructuring, corporate financing, admiralty subjects, corporate taxation, shareholders disputes, proportion purchase and subscription, mergers, telecom regulation, media law, IP law, facts protection, and privacy law, and so on.

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Litigation and Dispute resolution

Barrister-at-Law is an encouraging litigation firm in Bangladesh by way of worldwide regulation professionals. Barrister-at-Law has specialized Advocates in Bangladesh handling NI Act, assets disputes, family disputes, contractual disputes, licensing disputes, tax disputes, vat disputes, crook protection offerings, organization topics, appeals & revisions, and so forth. Barrister-at-Law’s associate is likewise experienced in ADR including the circle of relatives’ mediation, tax ADR, creation arbitration, and commercial arbitration.

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